Pradeep Kundarapu
Pradeep Kundarapu
Java developer, blogger and tech enthusiast.

Create Singleton Instance In Kotlin

Create Singleton Instance In Kotlin

There are many use cases where we need Singleton instances in applications. For example; to maintain a single instance of resources like a database or object store or file system. One way to create an instance of Singleton in Java is to create a class, which should adhere to the rules of the singleton pattern. Implementing singleton might lead to bugs if implemented by an inexperienced programmer. Kotlin solves these issues by supporting singleton instances within the language with object keyword. In this article, we learn using the object keyword to implement singleton instances in Kotlin.

Compare Singleton between Java and Kotlin

Before implementing Singleton in Kotlin lets see sample code in Java, so it’s easier to learn;

// Singleton in Java
public class DatabaseInstance {

 private static DatabaseInstance instance;
 private DatabaseInstance(){}
 public static synchronized DatabaseInstance getInstance(){
 if(instance == null){
 instance = new DatabaseInstance();
 return instance;
 public Connection getConnection() { ... }

In Java, we need to declare a class with a static synchronized method which checks whether the instance is null or not and if it is null then creates the instance. It is a little complex for beginners to understand. Let’s implement the same in Kotlin;

// Singleton in Kotlin
object DatabaseInstance {
 fun getConnection(): Connection { ... }

It’s simple in Kotlin, declare singleton using object keyword, this declaration is called object declaration. At the execution time, Kotlin maintains a single instance of DatabaseInstance. To use this object, call getConnection() with a declared name like below;


Initiate Singleton

Sometimes we might need to execute code before the execution of getConnection(). We can do this with constructors in Java, the same way we can put our initiation code in init in Kotlin

object DatabaseInstance {
 init {
 // executes once in the life time of JVM
 fun getConnection(): Connection { ... }

Declare within other object declaration

Object declaration can be enclosed within other object declarations like below;

object SystemInstance {
 object LogInstance {
 fun getLogHome(): String { ... }
 fun getHomePath(): String { ... }

fun main() {

To call getLogHome() just use Object names separated by dots, like SystemInstance.LogInstance.getLogHome()

Declare within a class

We can declare objects in a class.

class ConnectionDetails {
 object LogInstance {
 fun getLogHome(): String { ... }
 fun path(): String { ... }

fun main() {

getLogHome() can be called directly with out ConnectionDetails instance like ConnectionDetails.LogInstance.getLogHome()

Can not declare in local

Can not declare an object within the functions because Kotlin throws an error saying Named object ‘LogInstance’ is a singleton and cannot be local. Try to use anonymous object instead

fun main() {
 object LogInstance {
 fun getLogHome(): String { ... }


Comparing to Java declaring Singleton’s are so comfortable in Kotlin using object. In this article, we learned using object to create Singletons.

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