Quick way to create, read, write and delete files in Java

Files class in java.nio.file package contains static utility methods to operate on files and directories. In this article I will provide information on some of these static methods. These methods...

Quick introduction to PriorityQueue

PriorityQueue is the implementation of Queue interface. Generally queue store elements in FIFO (first in first out) order but PriorityQueue is the exception. As the name specifies, elements in the...

Using comparing methods in Comparator Interface

Java 8 introduced some new methods in Comparator interface. I was going through this interface to check all available methods in it and did some code experiments to understand some...

Stream of dates with LocalDate

I want a list of all dates with starting range from Jan 15, 2018 to Feb 20, 2018. I can generate this list using the new ‘datesUntil’ method in LocalDate...