HTTP Client

In this article I will give a simple introduction of HttpClient class and then will use this class to develop a small HTTP program. This program will hit a HTTP...

8 Quick Ways To Create Observables

Many operators are available in RxJava to create observables. In this post I will go through each of them with examples. In the context of reactive programming, operator is nothing...

Pull And Run First Docker Image

Docker image is a file, which contains set of commands. When these commands are executed, instance of the image is created and this instance is called Container. We can assume...

Spring Cloud Configuration - Part 2

In Part 1 we created git repository and config server. In this article we will create a pet-store application which is also a client for the configuration server, because pet-store...

Spring Cloud Configuration - Part 1

Configuration can be any key value pair information needed by the application at runtime. Spring applications accepts configuration in many ways like command line arguments, OS environment variables or application...

ReactiveX Observables

Observable emit values over the time and the observer who is interested to receive those values should subscribe for it. On the availability of values observable will push them to...

Using SDKMAN to manage SDK's

Some times we may want multiple java versions on our computer. Lets say we want to have java 8 to run a personal application and java 7 to run a...

Docker Introduction

Lets say we have a Java based reservation application which depends on JRE, MySQL and Tomcat to run. To have this application setup we need to install all these dependencies,...

ReactiveX Introduction

ReactiveX library helps us to write applications to handle asynchronous events emitted over the time. Before understanding how to handle these events, lets go through some examples to see why...